Why the Dual Coding Method Will Help You Learn English Vocabulary

Why the Dual Coding Method Will Help You Learn English Vocabulary

Unlock English proficiency with Dual Coding! Use visual learning to enhance your vocabulary.

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Learning New English Words

The dual coding method in our English learning app will help you learn English vocabulary in no time. Master English vocabulary with WordUp, where cutting-edge technology meets effective teaching methods. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of dual coding and how it has positioned WordUp as the top vocabulary learning app in the market.
There are many options available on the market when it comes to educational tools. Read about the underlying methods our vocabulary app uses to choose the best option for you. Our app excels at implementing innovative methods to help the users learn new English words in a way that is enjoyable.
Memory has two different channels that need simulation when gaining a new skill. Engaging these channels has been recognised as one of the most practical teaching methods. Our reviews and the Best Edtech of the Year Award show that WordUp has done a great job implementing innovation into a working source to help make it easy to learn English words.

If you want to discover how WordUp has incorporated this method to become the number one vocabulary learning app in the market, keep reading the following article.


What is Dual Coding?

It is a theory in education that suggests the presentation of new information in two or various ways to accelerate the learning process. In other words, the supporting studies surrounding it show that the learners should be presented with more than one type of explanation.

For example, if you hear the word “funny” beside a picture that makes you laugh, you are more likely to understand and remember the word. Psychologically speaking, this method is recognised as one of the most practical ways to improve long-term memory.


WordUp, It’s Never Been Easier to Learn English Vocabulary!

WordUp is designed based on cutting-edge technology and the best practical teaching methods available, to make learning new English words accessible for everyone. It takes only a quick browse in this English learning app to see the implementation of dual coding method in the following sections:

Awesome variety, isn’t it? This technique, alongside our impeccable coding and design, managed to improve education innovatively.
Now, you might be wondering what this method of education is. If so, stay tuned to learn everything about it.


Word Cards, Audio Files, Multimedia Examples:

Using word cards in our word bank, you can study countless words. What’s great about these flashcards is the related and entertaining pictures that help you better comprehend the meaning of the words.

All the definitions and textual examples are provided with understandable audio recordings. Audio alongside texts will help you remember the new words faster, improve your pronunciation and facilitate fast reading.

For each word, there are numerous related examples taken from articles, books, podcasts, most popular TV shows, news, YouTube videos, etc. These multimedia examples provide you with various contexts to familiarize yourself with the word’s meaning and usage in real life.

Awesome variety, isn’t it? This technique, alongside our impeccable coding and design, managed to improve education innovatively.
Now, you might be wondering what this method of education is. If so, stay tuned to learn everything about it.


The Logic Behind it

Before this method became more prominent as evidence-informed education, the general assumption was that every individual has their own specific learning style identified based on their capabilities and talents. Hence, each student had to be presented with the material matching their particular style.
However, studies show that modifying education according to personal styles undermines education in many ways due to its undeniable shortcomings. Assigning specific styles to individuals is, in fact, labeling people’s abilities, which may deprive them of unexpected opportunities.
Recent studies show that it is not the individuals that possess different styles but that it is the topics and concepts that can be presented in different ways. There are many underlying factors that can make one approach more appealing to a learner at any given point in time. Naturally, it is best to have an approach that uses a mix of different stimulants.

As a result, the new and better approach to teaching is to consider several presentations for each topic instead of presenting specific students with specific presentations. This way, all students will have an equal opportunity to learn from different styles.

Now, you understand how WordUp has used this novel way in creating flashcards for the new words. Related pictures, audio, videos, and other visual aids connect the word and the meaning through a trigger. So, every time you come across that particular trigger, the part of your brain in charge of storing information brings out the word connected to the trigger.


How to Use this Method for English Vocabulary

Dual coding has been used in teaching the English language for many years through flashcards and other methods. What’s more, it can be used as a constructive teaching strategy for educational applications and programs.

The technique is very adaptable and can be used in various styles. Regardless of the implications, there are two important factors that need to be considered before using it in English learning environments or tools:


1. Verbal and visual relatability

The verbal description and the visual aid have to be related to one another, which means that the visual has to be an indicator of the verbal description. For instance, the visual aid for the word “whistle” is better to be the picture of a whistle. If one were to put the picture of a referee blowing a whistle, it might confuse the learners.

The visual aid has to be minimal and to the point. It is very important for it to be related and straightforward to avoid further confusion. That is why we choose the best photos matching words in the WordUp application.


2. Verbal and visual placement

The purpose is to simplify the process, which means in order to have an extra effect, the verbal description and the visual aid have to be placed close to each other. That way, the learners can easily access both information at one glance. As a result, finding the relationship between the two entities would be a piece of cake.

When you look up a word in WordUp, you can see the related picture and numerous examples right there with the word itself. So, it’s pretty easy to find the correlation between the verbal description and the visual aids.


Dual Coding and New English Vocabulary

In the world of language learning, studying and incorporating new vocabulary are the most significant and challenging tasks for every learner. Often, students are presented with long lists of new vocabulary and definitions. Technically speaking, expanding your vocabulary like this is not practical.

When a student learns a series of new words, the words search the brain for some kind of anchor to hold on to so that in the following encounters, the information is remembered instantly. This is very important. Without an anchor, no memory is created, and the chance of retaining the information in the subsequent encounter will be extremely low.

So, there are so many students out there that can vouch that they study a lot of words, but the moment they need one, their mind goes blank, and they can’t remember anything. This challenge is not just for beginners. Regardless of the proficiency level, the issue remains the same almost for everyone.

Dual coding works like an anchor to connect the newly obtained vocabulary with a piece of information already in the brain. This method has been around for quite some time. Picture dictionaries and flashcards have been used for years to expand vocabulary. Many teachers still utilize such materials for teaching in classrooms. Furthermore, spaced repetition can be used together with this method to enhance its effectiveness.


How Technology Changes the Implications of Dual Coding

Nowadays, this method is implemented in English learning apps and software designs. The effectiveness of the method and the innovation make a robust combination, changing the borders of acquiring knowledge and taking it to a new level. Due to the accessibility of cell phones, the number of app users is increasing daily.

There’s no wonder why mobile applications have gained so much popularity over other methods in the past few years. Incorporating this method in vocabulary presentation in an English learning app not only accelerates and ensures progress but also creates a sense of achievement in the learners.


Why Are Real-Life Scenarios So Important

When the learners are equipped to use their acquired knowledge in real-life situations, dopamine is secreted in their brains, creating a sense of satisfaction and achievement. That is why many applications in the market use dual coding to help learners across the globe remember English vocabulary more effectively.

However, as we explored between these lines, WordUp is the one application that has thought about everything. Our expert developers have chosen the best and most reliable resources to bring forth countless texts, videos, podcasts, etc., to ensure the addition of the most practical English words for every learner across the globe.

In addition, because of the variety, anyone can enjoy studying new words. After adding new vocabulary to your knowledge base, it’s practice time. You can review the new words as many times as you want and put your knowledge to the test using challenge cards. WordUp has truly thought about everything!

Download WordUp to Up Your Game

Elevate your language skills and embark on a transformative journey with WordUp – the ultimate vocabulary and language learning app. Download WordUp on your IOS or Andriod device to up your game in mastering English words and enhancing your overall linguistic proficiency. Unleash the power of an interactive and engaging learning experience that adapts to your pace and preferences. 

With WordUp, every step is a step towards unlocking a world of words, from everyday essentials to fascinating gems. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a student, or a professional seeking to refine your communication skills, WordUp is your indispensable companion on the path to language mastery. Don't just learn words; elevate your language game with WordUp.

Give WordUp a try and Guarantee your English proficiency. Receive feedback and track your progress on a daily basis. Try WordUp today and experience the difference when trying to learn English vocabulary with the transformative dual coding method.

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