


Made up or appearing to be made up of small particles.

The granular sugar was easy to measure for the cake recipe.
Often appears as...
granular sugar
granular form
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LampPro Tip 1/3
Visual TexturePlay
Think of textures that are visibly coarse, like sand. 'Granular' often describes similar textures. SlideThe painting had a granular texture that gave it depth.
LampPro Tip 2/3
Physical CharacteristicsPlay
Items like sugar, salt, or sand that you can sprinkle or pour are often described as granular. SlideWe need granular salt for the recipe, not table salt.
LampPro Tip 3/3
Not Always LiteralPlay
'Granular' can be used metaphorically to mean 'in small pieces' or 'not smooth'. SlideThe committee's feedback was quite granular, focusing on minute details.