


To intentionally ignore someone or treat them rudely.

She felt snubbed when her friends didn't invite her to the party.
Often appears as...
snub someone
snub at a party
Usage tips
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LampPro Tip 1/3
Intentional IgnorancePlay
Using 'snub' implies a deliberate choice to ignore, often to show disapproval. SlideHe decided to snub the meeting to demonstrate his dissatisfaction.
LampPro Tip 2/3
Social RejectionPlay
'Snub' often occurs in social contexts, like parties or gatherings. SlideGetting a snub from the popular group made her evening unpleasant.
LampPro Tip 3/3
Emotional ImpactPlay
A 'snub' can hurt feelings, as it's a form of rejection. SlideHis snub at lunch left her feeling isolated.